How to create a nurturing nightly routine (even when you don't have time)
After spending your day taking care of the needs of others, it can feel nearly impossible to find the time to take care of yourself.
The problem is that if you don’t take care of yourself, it’s impossible to take care of others properly.
- Start before the kids go to bed. Practice being mindful during dinner and bedtime routines. Make it a no phone zone, and take care to enjoy and really taste your food at dinner. Enjoy the warm water at bath time, and linger in the cuddles during bedtime stories.
- As soon as the kids are in bed, take time for a candlelit shower (I swear adding a candle makes all the difference) or enjoy the ritual of washing and moisturizing your face before you are too tired.
- Do a quick yoga routine to release any physical tension from the day and connect to your body. Five minutes daily is better than an hour once a week. Try out our heart opening sequence that can be done before you are called away to tuck in some teeny feet (again).
- Meditate with your mala beads. Focus on your intention and allow the meditation to calm your breath, quiet your mind and ground you in the present moment.
- Relax with a glass of wine or a cup of tea. Catch up with your partner, watch a favourite show or get lost in a book beside the fire.
- Write out tomorrow's to-do list so you can go to bed without lingering thoughts about tasks to be completed.