A Mudra to Open Your Heart and Calm Your Mind
Have you ever noticed that when you meditate you naturally put your ring finger and thumb together and feel a calming sensation?
That isn’t a coincidence, our energy flows through pathways in our bodies and can affect our moods, hearts and energy levels.
A Mudra is a position of the hands in yoga, prayer or meditation that influence the energies of the body.
Some, like placing the hands in prayer position, we do naturally while others are learned. Used for centuries, there are mudras to cultivate patience, creativity, grounding and to accept and move past fear.
Once I delved deeper into the world of Mudras, I fell in love, and have started incorporating them into my daily meditations.
Below is one of my favourite mudras, called Abhaya Hridaya or the Courageous Heart Mudra used to release any fears and open your heart to love, acceptance and the unknown.
To start cross your hands so that the tops of your hands are touching. Link your pinkies, ring fingers and index fingers together and connect your middle fingers with your thumbs.
Hold the mudra at your heart center and slow your breath. Meditate on releasing fear and opening your heart and feel the energetic shifts as you sit with the Courageous Heart.
Whenever you feel yourself restricting or reacting from a place of fear, not love, come back to the Courageous Heart and take a few breaths to center and expand your heart.