My Motherhood: Bridget Hedger

For the My Motherhood series, we ask different women the same series questions about mindfulness and motherhood to see what works for other women, but also to show how even though we may be different, we are all in this together.

Today on the blog I am so happy to have Bridget share her motherhood journey. A stay at home mama, she loves to bake and do yoga and hang out with her family. She is a wife and a mama to 2 gorgeous boys. Follow her on Instagram to see all her adventures. 

In this My Motherhood, we interview Bridget Hedger. Click through to learn more about her decision to stay at home with her kids, the importance of asking for help and how she practices mindfulness daily.

What does your perfect day look like? 

My perfect day is, of course, starting off with a good nights rest which as most mamas know can be challenging. It’s why I go to bed around 8 when my own children do, because I never know what the night brings and my toddler is an early riser. Upon waking I make myself a cup of coffee. I’d love 3, but I try and only drink one while I’m still breastfeeding. Sometimes I get an iced latte later in the day, because a mama deserves that! My toddler and I usually watch a couple shows (or short movie while mom enjoys her coffee and catches up on texts/emails/social media. Some days my baby is up by then, others he’s still sleeping. I try and get us out of the house, or have an indoor activity after that. Whether it be the park, library (we just started preschool!) or a play date, getting outside is important to us! We love to be outdoors. After that we come home, have our lunch (mom has hers during the boys nap) and we head up to mom and dads bed to read some books and then catch some sleep. Another huge thing that is important in my day is trying to get both boys down for a nap at the same time. It’s my me time, my alone time, my quiet time! My toddler will usually nap 90-120 minutes, during that time I watch some tv, eat all to myself, and do some yoga/pilates, if my baby allows it. Again, after nap we try to get outside for more play time. Oh, and at some point in the day I throw a dinner in the crockpot. I used to love cooking, but when we are so busy it’s hard for me to love it anymore. So I try and make what’s easiest and quickest for me. My husband works long hours and commutes, so when he gets home we do dinner as a family, put our phones and distractions away and play with the kids. Around 7 we get ready for bed. The same thing, up to mom and dads bed for books and pajamas, and then off to sleep around 8! Not everyday is the same, not everyday is perfect, but we try and have fun and rest when we need to. 

Do you have any daily rituals you use to center yourself?

I used to do yoga and meditation almost daily, but I’m still figuring out this whole mom of two thing, but I do focus on my deep breathing, or diaphragmatic breathing when i get stressed out. I hope to incorporate more yoga on the daily soon! 


How do you make time for the different facets of your life?


For me this is a must! I’ve never been good at asking for help, but since having kids and realizing how important time can be I ask. I live close to family so I ask my in- laws when I need it or my mother. I also have an amazing husband that won’t pester me while I’m out doing tasks if he’s with the kids. It’s all about balance! I'm a full time SAHM, but I also still need to be “me.”
In this My Motherhood, we interview Bridget Hedger. Click through to learn more about her decision to stay at home with her kids, the importance of asking for help and how she practices mindfulness daily.


Do you have any special family rituals?

Yes! Of course, the bed time stories is one. On the weekends we usually pick a day and get some donuts and coffee, a little treat and splurge while dad is home! Now that I’m writing this, I would love to add more. Of course we do them around the holidays too. 

What is the best advice you have ever given or received about motherhood?

Do what’s best for you and your family. I say it to new moms all the time. Do you know how hard it is to be a mom? So hard! We get so much flack for so much. So much judgement. So many, “You shouldn’t do that or this...” I feel like there can be so many rules. I’ve found myself reading books becoming more frustrated, when i learned to let go of all that how I should or shouldn’t parent, and just do what I felt was right, everything fell into place. 

In this My Motherhood, we interview Bridget Hedger. Click through to learn more about her decision to stay at home with her kids, the importance of asking for help and how she practices mindfulness daily.

What is your favourite part of motherhood?

The fact that I can stay home 24/7 with them. I get to watch them grow, learn and I do it along with them. I never miss a thing. It’s something I always wanted, and I feel so grateful that I am living it. It is the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I wouldn’t ever dream of going back to work! 

In this My Motherhood, we interview Bridget Hedger. Click through to learn more about her decision to stay at home with her kids, the importance of asking for help and how she practices mindfulness daily.


In this My Motherhood, we interview Bridget Hedger. Click through to learn more about her decision to stay at home with her kids, the importance of asking for help and how she practices mindfulness daily.






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