How to Activate your Mala Beads and Crystal Jewelry with your Intentions


The first step when you receive your new mala beads and crystal jewelry is to activate them with your own personal intentions, creating a deeper and more personal connection with the healing and manifesting power of the stones.

By taking the time to activate your mala beads and crystals to your intentions, you remove any lingering energy attached to the mala and give yourself time to dive deeper into your intentions.

By activating your mala beads and crystal jewelry you attune them to your unique energy and add power to setting your intentions. Use our simple FREE guide as a starting point, and make it your own.

Although your Mama Malas already contain stones designed to help you manifest your intentions, programming or activating the beads will help you to align your mala beads with your own personal goals and intentions and allow them to help you in a much greater and deeper capacity.

“By activating your mala beads and crystal jewelry you attune them to your unique energy and add power to your intentions.”  

By activating your mala beads and crystal jewelry you attune them to your unique energy and add power to setting your intentions. Use our simple FREE guide as a starting point, and make it your own.


Activating the energy of your mala beads can be as simple or complex as you like. Use the guide below as a jumping off point, and remember to incorporate what feels right to you. Make it your own.


  1. Set the stage

Light a candle, and find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed. Light some Sage or Palo Santo to cleanse the space.


  1. Gain Clarity on Your Intention

Take some time to look within and see what you are hoping your mala beads will manifest. Get as specific as you can about how you want to feel and what you want to create and achieve.


  1. Choose a Mantra

Condense your intention into a mantra. There is a very real power in wording your mantra in the present tense, as though it has already manifested. For example you would want to choose, “I Am Patient and Present” as opposed to, “I hope to be patient and will try to be more present.” 

  1. Activate your mala beads

Pick up your mala beads and repeat the mantra once for each bead (minus the marker beads).


  1. Align with your heart and intuition

After completing the round of your mantra, hold your mala at your heart centre for a few moments and focus on your intention. When it feels right to move on, move your mala between your eyes to the third eye, and sit with your intention until it feels right to move on.


  1. Wear it daily

The real power in activating your mala beads and crystal jewelry comes from wearing it daily, and absorbing the energy of your intentions.  Wear them every day as a touchstone to your intention and as a meditation aid. When you find yourself with a few minutes, meditate with your mantra and mala beads. I know life with littles can get so busy, which is why all of our Mama Malas are broken into two sections of 27 and one of 54, so you can do smaller meditations during the day when you find the time, eventually completing all 108 repetitions.  When you feel yourself drifting from your intentions throughout the day, hold onto your mala beads and soak in it’s peaceful energy and realign with the bigger picture.


focus on your breath.
Take a moment for yourself

Mala beads help you enter a meditative state as you slowly trace the beads with your fingers and connect with the energy of the stones. Delicate enough for everyday wear, our mala beads make it easy to fit meditation into your day, no matter where you are.

As Seen In


"This mala is absolutely gorgeous and would make any mama feel powerful. The onyx is so strong and grounding, the sandalwood smells lovely, and I love that there is a little bit of rose quartz too! It’s nice to hold in your hand when you need to ground or calm down, and when you wear it, you feel like you can tackle anything! "

-Logan K | Superhero Mama Mala
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